Warm breezes, clear skies, with the temperature in the low 70's made for a perfect day of thrifting. That's what I thought and planned on. You know what the say; the best-laid plans.....
An area in our town is named Allendale and is located near Lake Michigan, with some homes right on the lake front. This is an established neighborhood dating back to the late 1800's, with lovely old home. They held the annual Allendale neighborhood rummage sale this weekend. Up and out the door early, with visions of good deals dancing in my head. What's the fastest route? I see the signs and stop at my first rummage sale, excitement.

My first purchase of the morning was miss matched shoe horns. I love the colors and have a pair of boots badly in need of some shoe horns. The woman running the sale made sure to tell me that they were antique. That became the word of the day. Wonderfully decorated children chairs with vibrant colors and designs could be bought for twenty dollars each. They were antique. I went to pay for my shoe horns and mental head slap, I forgot to stop and change my hundred dollar bill into smaller bills. Lucky for me a ten dollar bill, was stashed behind my drivers license.
Next sale (after all I still have nine dollars and of course the hundred dollar bill) I stop at had a green scale and the decal says it's made in Chicago, Illinois. No price. "How much is your scale?' I ask. You tell me what you would pay for it; it's an antique. She wanted twenty dollars for it. I liked it, but I didn't love it twenty dollars worth. So went my morning in Allendale.
I drove to the bank changed my hundred dollar bill into smaller bills, and headed to a church rummage. This was the last day of the sale, and I knew it would be slim pickins. I am so glad I decided to stop because I found my favorite piece.
An embroidered tablecloth with this lovely lady in each corner.
I love, love, adore the crochet lace and these cheerful flowers in between each beautiful lady.
Betty Crocker's cookbooks; 1956, 1971 and 1973. I couldn't resist.
From the1956 cookbook.
My watch and my stomach are telling me its is lunchtime, so I am heading home, and lo and behold I see church rummage sale. I can't help myself, and I follow the signs. They are handing out bags as I enter, and we are told one dollar for everything you can fit inside the bag.
Linen placemats made in Sweden and new with tags, tea towels.
Amish-Butterprint, Pyrex bowl.
Sweet handerchiefs.
Gap lambs wool scarf and hat.
Fisher Price knee and wrist guards.
Colorful childs crochet blanket.
All of this in one bag for one dollar, happy dance.
on Monday with Apron Thrift Girl for: