June 13, 2014

Chalk Painted Stool

My first chalk paint project.

Found on the curb on trash day.
At one time, the seat was paint red.
Used a wire brush to get the loose pieces off.
Had second thoughts about painting the stool.
Finished project
I don't really possess a DIY gene as you can see I didn't put paper down before I started to paint. I used Ann Sloan chalk paint but have not used the wax yet. I was surprised at how easy it was to use. 



  1. What a cheerful looking update to an old classic! I think you did a great job Paulette. =)

  2. Great job, Paulette! Be sure to wax it. Sad that Annie Sloan paint and accessories are so expensive, tho. If you are interested in DIY chalk paint, i have gathered a few recipes. I plan to use plaster of paris, water, and Behr paint on my next project. Have read that it works as well as ASCP. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  3. It's very pretty, Paulette. I've used chalk paint on some very small projects (eg picture frames) with great success but I had a torrid time recently trying to paint a laminate bookcase with chalk paint. I'd read stuff on the internet saying it could be done. They lied. It was an awful experience. Anyway, your stool is a real beaut. Have a fabulous weekend. xx

  4. It's beautiful! Someone's trash definitely became your treasure.

  5. That is how you learn. Next time, you will remember to put paper down. Good job.

  6. Great result Paulette. A gorgeous colour. AS is so easy to use isnt it?
