September 25, 2012

Over or Under • Toilet Paper Debate

Is there a correct way to hang a roll of toilet paper?  Last evening, my oldest daughter, visited,  and the spare roll of toilet tissue was placed in the holder. It was not replaced the way I normally do it, so I said "Who changed the toilet paper and put it on the wrong way?" A discussion pursued, and we both thought we were right.  

So I ask my friends in blog land, which way do you hang your toilet paper, over or under?

I always replace the toilet paper roll with the tail of the tissue under.

Perhaps, I shouldn't care if the tissue is over or under, and just be happy that someone replaced it.


  1. You are right. Just be happy that someone replaced it. Better yet that they did not leave just one piece on the roll and nothing else in the bathroom! Love your illustrations! I like the TP when it feeds from above. And we keep the lid down between visits!
    Have a nice day.

  2. I do it over. IF I manage to do it at all. :-)

  3. Hilarious! Your own flesh and blood changing the way you taught her! I remember when "Dear Abby" had this great debate a hundred years ago! People from 4 star hotels saying their way was THE RIGHT WAY! I was always an UNDER until we got the new single arm dispenser that you slide the roll on instead of unhooking the little plastic gizmo. That reason along with Charmin double rolls that are so darn big that it's hard to find the bottom for UNDER mounting made me an over. You can teach an old dog new tricks!

  4. Hilarious! Your own flesh and blood changing the way you taught her! I remember when "Dear Abby" had this great debate a hundred years ago! People from 4 star hotels saying their way was THE RIGHT WAY! I was always an UNDER until we got the new single arm dispenser that you slide the roll on instead of unhooking the little plastic gizmo. That reason along with Charmin double rolls that are so darn big that it's hard to find the bottom for UNDER mounting made me an over. You can teach an old dog new tricks!

  5. Frankly, I don't care how the toilet paper is placed as long as it rolls out when I need it>

  6. I have to admit I'm with Ruth on this long as I can find it when I need it I'm not fussy.

  7. Cute....always over for me ;)...I too am happy if someone replaces it ;)

  8. I'm an over girl and I WILL change it if someone happens to replace it incorrectly. ;)

  9. I remember the great debate too, but in Ann Landers' column. I have always placed it so it hangs over the roll and closer to the person reaching for it.

  10. LOL. Just happy someone replaced it.

    My mother hung it under, as do I, as does my grandmother.

    Someone told me, the right way is over, that's why the design is on that side.
